Lily 6 Months Old :: Trophy Club, TX Portrait Baby Photographer :: Popography
  • Belly To Baby
  • Children
June 25, 2012

You can take one quick glance at the jersey on this cutie and know she isn’t from the Lone Star State 🙂 Lily is so precious!! Her mom, Jami, contacted me a few weeks ago and said Lily was ready for her 6 month photos. After chatting away I realized they were from OKC. I thought to myself–thats a LONG ways! As a photographer, I felt so honored they would make the long hike to spend the day shooting with me. I just fell in love with them all and really enjoyed the time shooting with the family. Grandma, also known as, Gigi, was along for the ride and became quite the good light bouncer! (Thank you Gigi!) And mommy was 7 months pregnant on top of that! You might ask how that could happen. Jami and her husband Aaron had been trying to adopt a baby when they were blessed with the news of a baby in Iowa about to be born. They made the long drive to meet the birth mother in hopes this would be the perfect fit. Very soon after they received a phone call that it was almost time for the baby to arrive. Everything worked out in their favor and they were given the best gift life could give–  a baby girl. Just when they thought Lily was the greatest thing to happen to them they found out they were going to have a baby! Can you imagine?! I certainly cannot. Two children under the age of 1. God works in mysterious ways.

I love their story–and now I love their family. Thank you for allowing to be a part of your lives! Congrats and Congrats!

Now take a little peak at the gorgeous Lily. A girl who can rock a OKC Jersey or Pink Fluffy skirts with high heels 🙂







Thanks Jami & Gigi for all your help and making the drive!!


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