- Engagement
Asbury Park is still one of my favorite places to shoot in New Jersey. Every time I go, I am challenged to shoot something new and original and that is so exciting. This is where I shot my first engagement session in New Jersey 2 years ago. I’m kind of fond of this place. With 2 hours of sunlight left, around the corner came this adorable couple and their pup. Nash was the sweetest and most cooperative dog I have shot to date. Andrea and John think it is because of the treats he was promised, but I think he loved the busy boardwalk and my big smile. 🙂 It was an absolutely gorgeous day with low humidity and sunshine right before a huge thunderstorm rolled in. We literally shot at the perfect time of day and it was awesome. Nash was a great way to start…I mean, this dog makes everyone so happy! He did miss his mom and dad as he was taken for a little time with his grandparents. John and Andrea were living in Cambridge while John attended Harvard and are living in New York City for the summer. I admire their sweet love and silly kind of love.
We started on the Boardwalk and made our way to the beach to run around in the water. At one point, I got a little too adventurous and the tide got a little too high. I was completely soaked from the waist down. Yah, that was a little embarrassing, but worth the shots! We ended the evening with after dark shots. This is our favorite time to get creative and see what the Boardwalk looks like at night. Its a completely different place when the sun goes down and we loved that they were able to hang out and explore together.
We are so excited that we are in your lives and even more excited to see you in Brooklyn next June! Congrats lovebirds!
Leaha + Jeffrey

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