Digital Marketing = Sharing YOU!
  • For Photographers
January 25, 2013

Marketing. The scary word that can mean so many things. Everyone has their own way of getting themselves recognized and I just wanted to share a couple of things that I do that seem to work well for me. I would love to see people comment on their marketing strategies and what works for them! I am surrounded by an amazing community through Showit. We bounce ideas off each other and encourage each other to strive for greater things! Community is key! Maybe you can pass on sessions that you don’t specialize in. Maybe you’re booked for someones wedding date, but have a photography friend that you could pass them on to! Most of my business comes from referrals or people seeing my online presence. I cannot fully depend on one or the other–so I nurture both!

My husband always tells me I am good at marketing. I don’t know the first thing about formal marketing! I DO know a lot about people. 🙂 People want to be validated and feel special. It is my job to take care of them professionally, but I also want to be there to support them in their lives! I do have some strategies that work well for POPography I am going to share with you and we look forward to hearing what you do to market yourself!


  • YOUR FACE FIRST!- It is super important to understand that shooting photography, especially wedding photography, is very personal. You’re not selling great photos necessarily. You are selling YOU and an experience that results in photos. When people go to your website what is the first thing they see? They should see YOU immediately and get the chance to invest in you as a person. A little tid bit about you or something to catch their attention will help them remember you over another photographer. They probably won’t leave your website and remember a photo that was amazing…they will however remember your face and funny facts about you. I have my photo and a video that shows off my personality. We choose to use video more often than text 🙂 How will they remember you?       Click here to see our Website!


  • VIDEO- People can look at your photos all day and love them, but what makes them want to have their photo taken by you verses someone else? We use video to highlight what a photo shoot experience is like with POPography. We call our videos POPfusion.Fusion videos are the combination of photography, video and the perfect song.  We host all of our videos on a youtube channel. (2nd most popular search engine!) Our clients can then share their experience with their family and friends easily online! The videos allow for future clients to have a quick look into our photo shoots. It also serves as a beautiful memoir for our clients to keep. Video is a powerful tool to get your work recognized and a great gift to your clients.                              Click here to see our Youtube Channel and POPfusion Videos! 

WANT TO KNOW MORE ON HOW TO CREATE POPFUSION?  Sign up for the newsletter on the upper right side of the blog! “STAY IN THE KNOW”

  • SOCIAL MEDIA- It’s no secret that social media is a popular way to market yourself. I choose to have a personal facebook page and a POPography fan page.  My clients usually become my personal friends on Facebook after we have worked together. Again, this is my personal choice. It is important to realize that Facebook may not be as popular as it is today forever. We use Facebook as a way to drive people towards our Blog. Don’t make the mistake of using Facebook as your main marketing source. I love that my blog represents me, tells my stories and allows for people to see my work in a searchable format. Facebook has definitely helped my business tremendously and it is important in the marketing process. I want my clients to be able to share their photos online which also allows for more folks to see my work! Knowing when to post is also something to think about. What clients are you marketing to? Seniors? Brides? Families? Knowing when those people are online is imperative! For example: Seniors are up late on their iPads and phones texting away. They most likely will be online late in the evenings. So you would want to market in those times! Don’t just post anytime you finish something. Think about where your clients are at that particular time and make your posts count!


  •  BLOGGING- Blogs rock! Yes, they can sometimes be hard to start up, but they are so worth the time! My blog is an extension of ME! And like we talked about before–people are investing in YOU! You want to blog with balance! A balance of information, personal stories, and sharing your work! My blog will be up as long as I want it! It’s searchable and should be easy to get around. I don’t know about you, but I am not going to entrust and social media networks to host my photos and information forever. The blog is the perfect place to get personal and host your beautiful images.


We are super interested to know your thoughts and what you do! Feel free to leave a comment and share!

Be sure and check out our new promo video. Just another way to give people an opportunity to get to know me!









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