Long Branch Beach Engagement :: Zara + Zach
  • Engagement
June 27, 2017

There really isn’t anywhere better to be on a warm summer afternoon than the beach. I met up with Zach and Zara at Rooney’s overlooking the waves with champagne in hand! These two make my job so easy. Seriously, they are so easy going and full of smiles. They brought their baby, Callie, along for some photos. She was cracking me up! Callie doesn’t get out of the house too often, so the boardwalk was super exciting for her. Every dog that passed made her super excited and challenged Zach as he tried to hold her back. And who knew that a dog could be scared of skateboards! In the time we sat there, at least 7 skateboards came by. What are the odds? 🙂 As soon as her paws hit the sand she was the happiest dog and so were her owners! Thank you to Zach’s parents for helping Callie be a part of the photo session.

Zach and Zara are so genuine and fun. Loved running through the sand, blocking the walkway with the beach cruiser, and watching these two celebrate their love. Congrats on your engagement guys! And thank you for spending time with me on this gorgeous day.







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