New Jersey Birth Photographer :: Katehis Family
  • Family
  • Lifestyle
February 4, 2020

We have shared a wedding day, the birth of their first child, and now the birth of their second child. My heart is exploding with joy for this beautiful family.

I was supposed to be there for the birth, y’all! The text came in around 6:20am and I started getting my things together and making sure my kids were ready for their day before I left the house. It wasn’t but about 2 hrs since the text message when I received another one- “Baby’s here, 8lb 10oz”. WOW! I continued to get my things and make the drive to Staten Island. When I arrived the family was getting excited to find out the name of the baby and to watch big brother, Yianni, meet his little brother for the first time. Ohhhh the tears. Having the whole family there was something VERY special.

Congrats to the Katehis gang on another gorgeous boy. Welcome to the world little AJ! Thank you for letting me be part of your family again and allowing me to tell your continued story.





































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