- Engagement
Skylands Manor and Botanical Gardens in New Jersey never gets old. Gorgeous trees, flowers, concerts and all kinds of fun stuff. It’s a great place to have an engagement session. Lindsey and Jared are the most adorable couple. Loved Lindsey’s hot pink dress, too! They were all smiles and instant friends. The Botanical Garden was in full bloom and the trees were gorgeously green. Surprisingly, the weather was quite pleasant for July in New Jersey! One of our favorite moments was when we asked Jared and Lindsey to climb up on a giant stump for a photo. They were down for anything and jumped up on top of the stump like pros! We then sat them down for a snuggle shot and when they went to get off the stump we realized that Jared had sat in sap. HA! So for the rest of the shoot he had a sticky bottom. Every once in a while you would see Lindsey face scrunch as she touched the sap on his behind. So cute…hahah! Sticky Britches
Love these two. They are super sweet and we are thrilled they chose us to share in their journey. Congrats cuties and we look forward to the wedding!!
Leaha + Jeffrey

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