Pete and Repeat, maintaining a relationship with your clients.
  • For Photographers
November 5, 2012

We have all heard the little saying “Pete & Repeat”. We are often referring to a kid playing copy cat or maybe two sisters who are acting exactly the same. In this case, I am talking about something a little different.
As a business owner, I am constantly overwhelmed with marketing and spreading my business. I have been told to donate my talent, place ads in magazines, get featured on others blogs or maybe promote myself with Facebook. While all of these may work for some people…I have chosen to see things a little different. Instead of worrying about the next client to walk through my virtual door, I choose to focus on the clients I already have.

Let’s call “Pete” your new up and coming clients. HOW do you get to those clients? Do you need to spend money to put your name in a local ad? Do you need to pay facebook to promote your posts? No! I believe you should invest in your current clients lives and give them an experience they can’t stop talking about. When they become your “Repeat” client something truly special happens. To the commoner, one might think the clients are coming back because they loved their photos too much to go to anywhere else. I think they come back because of YOU!

My business is based on relationships and the photos are a direct reflection of what is behind the camera.

Instead of putting all of your focus on how to get a NEW client, I challenge you to court your current clients. They are sounding board for your business and brand. They reflect you! Show them how much you appreciate them investing in your business and your life. For example, if I randomly think about a client (Pete or Repeat) I will immediately text them and see how they are doing. Our shoot may have happened 8 months ago! It doesn’t matter to me. If you’re on my heart chances are I need to check on you! Try sending small tokens or gifts to your clients. Its the thought that counts. The experience lives long past the shoot date.

We work in a people business. People will tell other people of your greatness if you give them something to talk about. I am very partial to my clients. I absolutely fall in love with every person that I have the honor of shooting with. Even though “Pete” comes first in the old saying…it’s really “Repeat” who brings you new “Pete”. ha!

So, “Repeat and Pete” is how I think it should go 🙂


This is a little walk down memory lane from some of my “Repeat” clients. Thank you for entrusting me with your memories all of these years!

PS PHOTOGRAPHERS– Always remember the folks who invested in you even when you had NO idea what you were doing 🙂





(or as I call them…the RIGHT-ON family!)


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