• For Photographers
July 18, 2012

Every once in a while you pull off something last minute that ends up being pretty cool. This was one of those instances. The bride and groom pictured below (Shout out to Tiffany & Raul!) had mentioned how important the sky line view was to them in our consultation. They had booked this room on the 43rd floor at Cityplace mostly for the view. A few days prior to the wedding I had been researching some ideas on how I could get a photo of them with the skyline and try to defy the horrid flash glare in the window. Yes, you could probably sit them in front of the window and bounce your flash off of the ceiling at an angle to light your subject, but I wanted to something a little out of the box.

If you know anything about weddings and photography you should know this— most of the shots you get are on a time crunch and there really is not time for mistakes. It usually goes one of two ways…. Well planned and executed shots OR super lucky.  This was a planned and executed shot. I was thinking about it after the sun went down and the dancing was taking over the night. It’s always easy to pull the bride and groom away for a great photo if their guests are busy. We tested this idea for about 5 minutes until I had everything ready. After some failing attempts we figured it out! If I could go back and change something it would be to use a tripod on the camera. Realistically–that wasn’t going to happen because of how fast I move on wedding days. Thats like anchoring me to one spot and we all know that isn’t going to happen. I’m pretty happy with the first try 🙂

  • The camera lens was against the window at an angle towards the reflection of the couple
  • Photographer was balancing the camera because of the super slow shutterspeed
  • The OCF/Speedlight was against the window pointing towards to the couple
Hope this helps!
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