- Weddings
You can only imagine how special it felt to be asked to shoot Breanna & Dennis’ wedding. You probably thought it was special because it was a destination wedding, huh? Well, it is, but it also meant the world to me because they are very special to me. When they chose us to shoot their wedding we had very little experience. I couldn’t for the life of me figure out WHY they would choose us for such an amazing event! It was a true honor to be a part of this intimate celebration. Something magical happens when people travel far away to celebrate together. Eloping/Destinations- call it what you will- they are amazing. Jeff and myself also chose a destination wedding to NYC (quite the opposite of Hawaii) and it truly makes for a rememberable time.
Breanna & Dennis live in Japan where he is station in the Air Force. They made our 9 hour flight time seem like minutes compared to theirs! Either way, we were all anxious to get to the sunny island and get the party started! I believe they are still going strong in Bora Bora as we speak on their honeymoon!
This was our last wedding of 2012 and we went out with a bang. It really pushed Jeffrey and I to new levels. Traveling, time changes, new scenery and learning to adapt were just a few of our challenges. With several destination weddings on the books for 2013, we look forward to seeing many more beautiful people and places.
Thank you to the family and friends who enveloped us with their love and welcomed us as if we were family, too. It was one of the most amazing photography experiences yet. Thank you.
We are breaking this amazing wedding experience into 3 parts! Enjoy Part 1 of the preparation and details before the ceremony got underway!
Leaha & Jeffrey

Venue: Olowalu Plantation House
Coordinator: Tropical Maui Weddings: Jamie & Lori Lawrence
Floral: Maui Floral Designs
Guitarist: Jamie Lawrence