New York Photographer :: Lake Minnewaska
  • Personal
March 3, 2020

I met Abi in the drive through at our local McDonald’s. She took my money with a huge smile and I was immediately drawn to her beauty. I felt the blood rush to my throat as I almost asked if I could giver her my business card. I did not give her a card that day. I went home and got upset with myself for not having the courage to ask her. I went back two days later with a card in my hand hoping she would be working the window again. It was my lucky day!

About once a year I like to do a passion project as a gift for someone. I don’t really plan on who, what, or where this will happen, but God always finds me and puts me in a place to do this for someone eventually. That is EXACTLY what happened when I saw Abi. I didn’t know her story or what we would do together, but I knew it would be pure MAGIC.

Abi was born in the U.S. and then grew up most of her life in Nigeria, Africa. At the age of 14, she decided to take a huge leap of faith and leave her family to come back to the United States to live with her grandmother and make a better life for herself. What COURAGE! She is now a Senior in High School and entering the Navy this summer in hopes of pursuing her college education. If that doesn’t deserve a celebration photo shoot, what does!?

I believe this young lady will change the world because she changed mine.

Congrats on all you’re doing Abi! So happy our paths crossed.

And to you who are reading…when God lays it on your heart to do something- do it! Take the leap, be courageous, and use your gift to LOVE others.



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