Sarah Sims :: Decatur Texas Photographer :: POPography
  • Artists
April 10, 2012

When I look at Sarah I can’t help but remember her as a little girl. Growing up in the same church for most of our lives we spent many many days running around the church. She was a bubbly little thing. She was quite some years younger than me, but it just seems like yesterday! Sarah got in touch with me earlier this year about wanting to grow her new found photography business. We were both in the same boat–wanting to start our new careers, be great moms and spread the good word through our business. It is not accident or coincidence that Sarah & I are now friends so many years later. I believe God prepares relationships and sometimes you do not see the fruit of those relationships until later. Then it all starts to make sense! That’s how cool God is!

Over the past several months I have been watching her grow in her field and it makes me super proud. She is devoted to learning, growing & putting herself out there. What more could you ask for? I have enjoyed the time we have spent learning from one another. She has seen me soar and she has seen my most epic fails. I’m so glad I have not only a friend in the business, but a friend for life.

Congrats Sarah Sims! This is just the beginning.




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