Sarah & Zach Engagement :: House of Blues Dallas, TX :: Popography
  • Engagement
April 9, 2012

It was just another day at the park with my son, Trace. It was a gorgeous day that was about to  get even better! Sarah’s name came up on my phone and I instantly got giddy. She is one of the coolest girls I know. I had met Sarah through some mutual friends and if I had to describe her in a few words it would be tall, gorgeous, hippie sheek & bubbly. To top off our conversation, she let me know they were going to be married at the House of Blues in Dallas! I was super excited and my mind started going into overload! I think its fair to say this was going to be one amazing couple..and one amazing wedding.

Rock on.

This session was a little different than the norm for an engagement. First of all–we had access to HOB! yes! But Sarah & Zach also opted to have a Love Story Film made by the POPography team. We took some photos together to start off the session and get warmed up. Little did we know, but Zach had ordered a bottle of bubbly for all of us! What a treat! I don’t usually drink on the job, but hey, there is room for learning! Zach is quite the character himself. He is the perfect compliment to Sarah. Witty, Funky & a super gentleman! We knew right away this was going to be fun.


BIG thanks to House of Blues for being so accommodating and letting us run around the place! Great people! Such an amazing venue & very hospitable.

To see Zach & Sarah’s POP Website & Complete photo collection:

They are so in love—the photos seemed to just come so natural. Sexy!


Then we split the two love birds up to do their interview portion of the love story film. Each one is asked the same questions and recorded both in video & audio. This footage will be used to voice over their video and to see how their stories line up!

Some of the questions: What were you doing before you met? How did you meet? Proposal? Where do you see yourselves in 5 years? 10 years? And of course some juicy questions to get the tears flowing 🙂

During this time I was able to take them outside individually to hang out and take some portraits of them while the other records.

After HOB, we hit the streets and spent some more time recording, laughing and losing earrings 🙂


Thanks Sarah & Zach for having so making the session so much fun! and the Bubbly! 🙂 We can’t wait to shoot your wedding and make more memories!


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